Luciana Renee

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Tooth Is Gone!

My top tooth finally came out tonight when I was eating ice cream.  It was bleeding in the car when we drove to the ice cream shop so I knew it was close.  Then I was trying the different flavors of ice cream and it just came out.

Then Mommy looked on her phone and saw the picture of me losing my first tooth on vacation last year (one year to the day).  I always lose teeth on vacation!

Saturday, July 9, 2016


I did my first swimming champs.  There are so many kids there swimming.  We had to wake up early in the morning to go there.  At champs they don't have ribbons but they have medals.  I did 3 races.  My backstroke and my freestyle and then I did freestyle relay. 

My relay team didn't get anything because only 12th places get medals.  I was 2nd in my backstroke heat and I got a 12th place black medal for it.  When I was doing that race I stopped to look around and see where the other swimmers were. Mommy tells me not to do that but I like to look and see if I can win. Then I got a 7th place purple ribbon for freestyle.  I like that one better because purple is a better color than black and 7th place is better than 12th place. 

Then I liked when our team won and the coaches got pushed in the pool.  That was funny but I already changed clothes so I couldn't do it.  I just watched.