Luciana Renee

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, March 25, 2013

Things I Say

3 year olds say some funny things.  I am 3.  Here are some things that I have been saying.

"I am a big girl now because I don't suck on the toothpaste anymore."

Mommy and Daddy always try to get me to eat food like them.  My new way to say no is to tell them "I don't eat every food that you eat."  

I like to tell jokes too.
"Knock, knock."  
Who is there? 
Bananas who?  
"Do you have bananas on your head?"

"Knock, knock."
Who is there?
Dinosaurs who?
"Watch out!  You have a big dinosaur on your head!"

My knock, knock jokes always have something on your head because that is funny.  

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Baby Brother

Mommy finally got that baby out of her tummy!  I thought it was going to live in her tummy forever.  But he came out and he was a boy.  I used to say it was a boy and then I changed it to a girl.  But when Daddy asked me when I saw him I said it was a boy.  His name is Baby Julian.  He is little and cute.  

 I love holding him.  I love kissing him.  I have a hard time keeping my hands off of him.

The baby and Mommy lived at the hospital.  I liked going there to look for the babies in the window.  But most of the time they weren't there.  Daddy said they were with their Mommy and they were in the window at night.  But at night I was sleeping so I didn't see them too much.  My favorite part of the hospital is pushing buttons for the elevator though.  Grandma made me and Riley take turns so we wouldn't fight.

Now Julian lives with us at home.  I am going to be a good big sister for him.  He cried when Mommy gave him a bath and I said "Don't worry your big sister is right here."  I like taking care of him.  I like to put his paci back in his mouth. And I control the swing when he is in there. When he gets dressed or gets his diaper changed and bring my stool so I can see.  I'm learning too.  When I hold my dolls I make sure I support the head.  See I already know how to take care of babies.