Luciana Renee

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Luciana's Christmas Loot

Santa came to my house and he brought me everything. He brought me a Baby Alive doll and a La La Loopsy doll. And Tinkerbell. And Barbies. Lots of barbies!

Santa brought me a princess and the frog dress. It looks like a princess, not a frog though. I got the princess gloves to wear too.

And I got a castle for my little people. And some books and some clothes.

I am good at opening the presents. Mommy just tells me which ones are mine and I go get them and tear them open. I don't need any help like last Christmas.

But Santa did take my sassy. I have been asking for it when it is bedtime but I'm trying to be a big girl and not need it.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa is coming!

Everybody, Santa is coming to my house tonight! We put out some oats for Rudolph and the other reindeer in our yard. They are going to eat them off the ground. There are cookies for Santa to eat. And I put my sassies out to give to him so he can give to other babies that need sassies.

And we got some new Christmas jammies! I got Minnie jammies because I love Minnie Mouse.

Daddy was showing us on the computer where Santa is flying. He is going to be flying to our house so I better get to bed.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Sassy

Mommy keeps talking to me about giving up my sassy (pacifier) to Santa for Christmas. A few times this week, she didn't give it to me when I was sleeping! I always have my sassy for my naps and going night-night. I don't know if I can handle this. I love my sassy. And I have my Mommy's addictive personality too. There are some things that a girl just has to have: her sassy, chocolate milk and her Mommy's ipod.

Mommy and Riley even tried to get me to watch Elmo give away his sassy on TV. I didn't watch it because I thought it was a trick. (She was right but Mommy recorded it to watch again.)

Santa, please bring me a lot of presents and don't take my sassy!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Go IU!

Today Aunt Sissy and Uncle Steven and Uncle Tim came over to our house watch the IU game with the basketballs. I got dressed up in my IU cheerleader outfit to watch it. IU beat the blue guys (#1 Kentucky). I like the blue smurfs but everybody said that these were bad blue guys. When everybody was watching the game, they started yelling. Daddy and Tim were screaming and I got a little bit scared. But it was okay because they were happy and then me and Riley start celebrating too!

And today was Poppy's birthday too. So he was a happy Poppy in Florida.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Here is a picture of me from Thanksgiving Day. I wore a cute dress. And Riley wanted to wear a dress too when she saw me. But Daddy didn't pack a dress for her. He just packed shirts and pants. She was mad at Daddy. But Mommy packed for me so I had the cute dress.

I hope everybody had a Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Mommy's iPod

I am really obsessed with Mommy's iPod these days. I like to play Spongebob and the painting games. I ask Mommy where her iPod is all of the time. "Mommy iPod? Mommy iPod?" I have even run the battery down on 2 times the last couple of days and I don't like when they take it away to stick it to the wall. I might have to ask Santa for my own iPod.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Trip to Build-A-Bear

We to the store where they make bears today. They make other stuff too. Like bunnies and kitties and doggies too. Mommy has a little thing that plays my heartbeat. It was from when I was in Mommy's tummy. I don't remember being in Mommy's tummy. But that is what she tells me the sound is from. So Riley has her heartbeat in a monkey and I didn't have one so we went to the stuffing store.

I picked out a bunny. The lady hooked it up to a machine and I got to put my foot on the pedal. This big machine pushed a bunch of stuff right into my bunny. Then the lady tied up the hole in the bunny and gave it to me. It was kind of weird but I liked getting the bunny. I picked out some clothes for the bunny too. Riley brought her monkey and picked out some clothes for her. She made her monkey a Rapunzel monkey. I just picked a purple shirt that Mommy liked.

We had to pick a name for the bunny. I don't know how to name. Daddy said "chocolate milk" because I love it and it is usually the first thing I say in the morning. So Mommy decided her name could be Chocolate Bunny. The bunny is brown like chocolate so that works. So now I have Chocolate Bunny with my heartbeat.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Minnie Mouse

Ever since Halloween, I started having a favorite show. I always want to watch Minnie Mouse now. I guess it was because I dressed up like her. Mommy asks what do you want to watch? I say "Minnie Mouse!". Riley wants to watch something else but I get to watch Minnie sometimes. I like watching her and the other mouse and the ducks. They are funny.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Big Day

I did a big girl thing yesterday. I went poo-poo in the big potty just like Riley. It was the first time that I did it. We were getting ready in the morning and after Riley went potty, I decided to take my turn. Usually I just sit there but this time I did go poo-poo. Everyone seems to think it is big deal. I don't know if I'll do it again. We'll see...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bears Cheerleader

Here is a picture of me wearing my "Bears Cheerleader in Training" shirt. Daddy said the Bears are playing today. I was talking to Daddy about the football on TV yesterday. Even when I was eating, I would come in the room and watch a minute. I guess he thinks I'm a big fan now or something.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Luciana's Photo Shoot

A little while ago we went to the park to get our pictures taken. Lucky for me it was before the boo boo on the chin. (The boo boo is almost gone now) Here are some of the pictures of me from that day.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween?

I wasn't looking real happy for Halloween when it was time to take pictures. I haven't been a big smiler since I hurt my chin. Even if I am frowning, I still looked cute in my Minnie outfit.

But I started doing better once we started trick or treating. Landon came over to trick or treat with us. He was a doggie.

This year, I went up to the candy people all by myself. I would say "trick or treat" real quiet. Then if Mommy or Daddy told me, I would say "tank you".

I didn't help Mommy eat her chili because I don't like stuff like chicken and veggies and corn (unless they are in a jar).

But I did try some of my trick or treat goodies. I ate Skittles and chocolate and donuts. Yummy. Hey, I'll start eating regular veggies some other day. That is not what Halloween is about.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Carving Pumpkins

Daddy cut the tops of the pumpkins and we pulled out all of the guts. It was yucky and slimy but I kind of liked doing it. Our hands got all slimy.

You might notice that I have stuff on my face. Well, I did eat some ice cream right before we carved pumpkins. But I do have a bad boo boo on my chin too. I fell and hit my chin on a chair at the babysitter's house. It hurt me but I have been putting medicine and Strawberry Shortcake band aids on so it is doing better. The bad part is that it hurts to keep my mouth closed so I'm drooling a lot. Poppy looked at my chin and he said it was just a bad bruise. So I'll be better soon. Good thing we posed for pictures last week!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Looking for a Great Pumpkin

Me and Riley went and picked out some pumpkins. I wore my pumpkin shirt so I would blend right in. We didn't mess around and we picked out our pumpkins right away.

They had all kinds of pumpkins at this house. Little pumpkins and really big pumpkins!

I tried to help Daddy pull the pumpkin wagon but I couldn't move it. My pumpkin is the one in the front of the wagon. The pumpkins are sitting on the porch now and we are gonna carve them up.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


No, I 'm not really in a cage. But I have to admit that I have been a little more of a handful lately. I am in a climbing and making messes and yelling phase. I think it is funny to stand up in chairs and climb on the tables. I've been trying to run away in the yard and in stores and restaurants. I'm getting faster but they always catch me.

I don't like to sit in highchairs or boosters anymore so Mommy and Daddy usually wrestle with me to sit down. I'm saying more and more words but "No Daddy" and "No Mommy" are my favorites.

I yell and try to say things when I'm mad or messing with stuff but sometimes they can't understand what I'm saying. Daddy said that I've been acting like Stitch from the movie (Lilo and Stitch). He says that I'm a little rowdy animal and I make a lot of noise.

You probably wouldn't believe it because most of time I am a quiet and sweet little girl. I usually save my "Stitch" acting for Mommy and Daddy. But I've heard this is how a 2 year old is supposed to act so I got to do it sometimes, you know?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Playing Babies

Here are some pictures of me and Riley playing with our babies. I like to play with babies and we have a bunch of them. I have the Belle baby doll that I got for my birthday.

I like to pretend like I am a baby too. So I get a pacifier and climb into things that are baby doll sized a lot. Play pens and strollers. Don't ask me why Riley was wearing sunglasses to push me around. She is silly.

(Riley was obsessed with pretending with babies at the same age but that was when Luci was a newborn. No baby in the house for her to see but Luci loves to pretend to be a baby these days. It must just be a phase.)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

All bah-do-bah self

I like to do things by myself to show that I'm a big girl. Today when we were shopping I wanted to buckle my self in the cart. Buckles are one of things that I am good at. I told Daddy "Buckle all bah-do-bah self" (loosely translates to "buckle do all by myself"). And I did buckle myself over and over again. It was about the only 2 minutes of the shopping trip that I wasn't trying to stand up or climb out of the cart.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My 2nd Birthday Party

We had our big birthday party outside yesterday. A whole bunch of my friends came over to party with us. I played and ate cake and opened lots of presents. Here are some pictures...

My mommy can make some really good cake and it looked great too.

I rode around in jeep with Miller a lot. And Riley squeezed in with us too.

Mommy and Daddy got me a Belle doll with a dress. I like Belle because she has an easy name that I can say.

Thank you to everybody for all of the gifts and celebrating my 2nd birthday!