Luciana Renee

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Luci's "Actual" Bday Party

My big birthday party was not today but I still had a small birthday party. We went to eat at Chick-fil-a, which I like because it has chicken nuggets and a play area. Gram and Poppy came. And so did Tyler and Landon and Great Aunt Mary and Ashley.

Then we ate cookie cake and I opened up some presents at my house. Riley got me a My Little Pony baby that talks and drinks a bottle. I liked it! Riley showed me how to play with it. I think she wants me to share it with her too.

Mommy and Daddy got me some light up shoes like Riley! They must know that I love shoes and I never had light up shoes before. I had to show them off because people wanted to see them.

Next I got the big party next week...

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