This week is spring break for Mommy. She doesn't have to go to school. And Daddy took vacation from work so he doesn't have to go to work either. So they are spending all week and me and Riley.
It was nice outside so we went to the zoo the other day. This time I paid more attention to the animals than last year. Now I can walk up to the glass and see the animals. We saw Landon at the zoo too. I got to ride on a horsie that goes up and down. Riley called it a "miracle round". I guess that is what it is called. It was fun and my hair was even blowing in the wind.
You can see that I have a Hello Kitty band aid on my head. I fell outside and bumped my head. It is better now and I don't have a band aid any more. Daddy said that I looked like a boxer. I didn't think I looked like a box at all.
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