If you haven't seen me in awhile then you wouldn't know that I'm getting bigger and bigger.
I have a few more words that I say. I can say "eye" and "nye nye" (night night) pretty good. I shake my yes or no and I point at stuff and try to talk about it all of the time. I'm learning new stuff about me. I can show you my belly, feet, nose, eyes, mouth and hair. My favorite is to show off my belly. I pull up my shirt to show people. Sometimes I even try to pull up other people's shirt to see their bellies. I tried to do that to Grandma but she didn't like it.
I'm a good helper now too. I like to help put away toys or put away laundry. I can take stuff to Mommy or Daddy from the across the house if you tell me to do it. Or if you tell me to throw something away, I will put it in the trash can.
I like to take pictures for the camera. I was posing for pictures with my Valentine doggy that I got from Gram and Poppy. But...
...Riley likes the camera to take pictures of her. Sometimes it is hard for her to share the attention.
But I like playing with Riley though and she takes good care of me. Riley talks to me alot. She likes to help me eat too. She is pretty good about including her little sister and playing with me. I try to do the same things that she likes to do. If she climbs on the bed, then I want to climb on the bed. I saw her getting her fingernails painted so I wanted Mommy to paint my fingernails too. See?
I'll be 18 months pretty soon. Mommy and Daddy can't believe that I'm getting so big.
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