Luciana Renee

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Cuteness

It is so embarrassing that I have forgotten where the computer was located. I have been pretty busy though. I have traveled a lot in the last month and half. I had a few big holidays. I will try to go back and do some blogging and just back date it, but I might as well tell you some cute stuff I have been doing.

I am really trying to talk a lot. I am telling everyone hi, especially on the phone. I pick up the telephone and just say hi to whoever is on there although no one usually says anything back. Mommy says it is because no one is really on the line. I am not trying to talk on a line I am trying to talk on the phone. Who knows what that crazy lady is talking about.

I love babies. I like to pick one up and carry it around with me everywhere. I even say baby. You may not understand me but Daddy does.

Th other day I picked up the ice pack and put it on my head. I seem to bump my head a lot, that is why I know what to do with an ice pack. I don't walk very straight these days. It it probably because I have an ear infection in my right ear. Um I have tubes that is not supposed to happen. But it does and the best of all is that I have Whooping Cough and I am not even coughing. I am also supposed to be vaccinated for that. I am one crazy girl.

Today Mommy stayed home with us because I can't go to the sitter. I didn't know Daddy was not here so while she gated us in the basement I went to the gate and yelled for Dada, Dada, Dada, but then Mommy came and told me that he was at work. Don't get me wrong Mommy was in the basement with us, she didn't just put us down there by ourselves.

I say doggy whenever I see Wrigley. Mommy says that she thinks I am going to talk before Riley did. I think that I just want to be able to tell that woman what is on my mind. She keeps trying to feed me all this food I don't like. You would know it as real food, but I really just don't like it no thank you I will stick to my baby food. I do like McDonald's Hamburgers though.

I also like to feed everyone. I go to my kitchen get a pot and spoon, I mix and mix and then let everyone taste. Sometimes I take a taste too and believe me it is yummy.

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