I have to go to the babysitter today so I don't have much time. I will write more stuff later. Do you like the birthday shirt Mommy made?
Well I had a great Birthday! Mommy woke me up this morning singing Happy Birthday to me. Then she fed me. Daddy put me in a really cute dress and took me to Alice's house to see all of my friends. After work Mommy picked us up and brought us home to meet Daddy. Then we went out for my birthday dinner. We went to Red Lobster. Riley was feeding me biscuits. At the end Riley told our waiter that it was my birthday. He brought two other people over and they sang Happy Birthday to me too. Then they gave me ice cream. That is some really good stuff. I am too tired to open any presents so I guess I will save them for my party. Hope to see you there. If you can't make it then check back for pictures and an update.
Happy 1st Birthday, sweet Luci! You look so big in these pictures.