I am eleven months old now. I am BIG STUFF! I only have one month left until I am ONE! Riley says that that is a really big deal. She says that we will have a big party for my birthday and that I will be able to eat cake and icing. She told me that I am supposed to dig in and get it all over my face. That sounds like fun to me. Mommy is going to make me a little cake just for me and put a 1 on it.
All Riley ever talks about is her party. She says she is going to have a Cinderella cake. I guess parties are a big deal. Riley said she just went to Kaidyn's Birthday party and that it was so much fun. Ander is getting ready to have his Birthday party too. I guess I will go to it and see what it is all about. I didn't get to go to Kaidyn's party. I stayed home with Grandma. Mommy said that she was not going to take the two of us by herself, so I had to stay home. I really didn't think that was fair, but I did get to spend time with just Grandma and I. It was a lot of fun. She played with me and took good care of me. She held me while I slept. I love it when people do that. Mommy has been making me cry myself to sleep. She said that now that I have tubes and the bed is lowered and I can't jump out that I need to learn how to get myself to sleep. All I do is cry and cry. Then I just sit down and lay my head on the bumper and fall asleep. I think that Mommy comes in and lays me down later. Mommy thinks she is doing what is best for me, but I just call it cruel and unusual punishment. Why would someone want to force their little baby to cry. Riley told me to grow up and get over it because they did then same thing to her. Whatever! These parents need to change, not me! Maybe I can sucker Daddy into rocking me to sleep again. We shall see I will try it out tonight and let you know how it goes.
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