Riley and I have really been putting Mommy and Daddy through the ringer lately. Last night Riley was throwing up a lot. It was awful and stinky. Mommy tried to put me to bed when it started, but I was not ready to go. Then finally I gave in when they put Riley back to bed. Then Riley threw up again and again. The last time she asked Mommy if she could sleep with her. At 4:30 I woke up too and decided it would be a good idea to get in Mommy and Daddy's bed too. I just love that bed.
Last week I had a fever on and off for four days. Poppy looked at my ears and saw that I had an ear infection on Wednesday and he gave me medicine, but that was not making it better. So Gram took me to Dr. Howell. When she looked in my ears she saw that I had a double ear infection on Friday. After that Mommy called the ear doctor and made an appointment for me to get tubes in my ears. That sounds really crazy. I thought I wasn't supposed to put things in my ears. Riley said that it would be okay to have the doctor put the tubes in my ears. She has them in her ears too. We will see. I go on the 10th to get my hearing checked and whatever else they want to do to me before I have surgery.
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