Luciana Renee

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's Day

Daddy took us out to eat for Valentine's Day. We went to the Onion. Riley really likes the rice and she says that I will too one day when I get to eat it. Mommy says that I am going to get rice cereal soon, is that the same thing? Mommy told Daddy that he should start a tradition next year of just taking his girls out to eat the day before Valentine's Day and then take her out on the day. He did take Mommy out to the movie on Valentine's Day and Aunt Sissy and Uncle Steven came to watch us. Everything was okay with that until I got hungry and Aunt Sissy would not feed me. She said that Mommy asked her to try to hold me off until she got home. I don't know if I believe that because Mommy would never want me to go hungry. She always feeds me right away when I tell her I am hungry, she never makes me wait at all. Mommy finally came home and saved me, but really I had calmed down and collected myself before got there. Uncle Steven was holding me when Mommy got home because I wore Aunt Sissy out. I don't know why she was being so touchy after all I am the one that was starving. Mommy made my day when she brought my first love home, my milk. Happy Valentine's Day to me.

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