Well I have had a big weekend. On Friday I went to my first Providence Basketball game to see my cousin Tyler in the Homecoming Court. It was neat to see all of the people and the big boys running back and forth on what Daddy tells me is a court. They were bouncing an orange ball, Riley told me that. There were a lot of people there for me to look at. Riley loved the queen and the king. There was even a queen that came and talked to her. Then on Saturday Papa came to visit us. He was so excited to see me and to see how big I am.
Then Mommy, Riley, and I went to Brady's birthday party. There were so many people there too. Brady had a lot of presents. Riley got to jump on his new jumping toy, but I just had to watch because mommy says I am too little. Meghan held me a lot. She is so nice. She talked to me and played with me. Mommy said that it was nice to have a break so that she could look after my crazy sister. At one point Riley actually tried to open one of Brady's presents, but Mommy caught her just in time. She really wasn't that bad so there is not that much to tell on her about today.
After the party we went out to eat with Daddy and Papa. I was such a good girl at the restaurant. However, I was not such a good girl last night. I think that I might have another ear infection. Mommy is going to have Poppy check my ears today. I hope that I am wrong and that I just had a bad night.
I am hoping to add pictures to my old post so look for them and new updated pictures for my months on the side.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Snow Days
We have had so much snow lately. Mommy has been staying home with us. Even Daddy stayed home with us one day. I just love having Mommy home with us. Riley loves it too. She gets to sleep in and play with all of her toys. I get to sleep in too and play with my toys too. I really love my exersaucer. I have a seal toy on that thing that I just love to talk to. I get a hold of that guy and get him in my mouth, I mean it is great. I also love to spin the monkeys, they make such a great noise. I really think the best part is that I get to sit up and see what is going on. Daddy also put in a seat for me at the table. I just love sitting with everyone at the table even if I don't get to eat what they are eating yet. Mommy says that I will get to start eating food soon. There has been so much snow. We got about nine inches in the last few days. Daddy says that there may be a little bit more coming next week. We love having Mommy home, but she says that it is bad because she will have to make up these days in June. She says right now she is going until June 17th or 18th she can't remember because she has lost track and she will probably have more. Riley has been out playing in the snow. I wonder when I will get to go outside and play in the snow too. It will be so much fun when Riley and I can build a snowman together and make snow angels. I think with the way things are going they are going to make me wait until next year. I guess it will be better if I am walking and can get out of Daddy's arms to play. I just can't wait!
Valentine's Day
Daddy took us out to eat for Valentine's Day. We went to the Onion. Riley really likes the rice and she says that I will too one day when I get to eat it. Mommy says that I am going to get rice cereal soon, is that the same thing? Mommy told Daddy that he should start a tradition next year of just taking his girls out to eat the day before Valentine's Day and then take her out on the day. He did take Mommy out to the movie on Valentine's Day and Aunt Sissy and Uncle Steven came to watch us. Everything was okay with that until I got hungry and Aunt Sissy would not feed me. She said that Mommy asked her to try to hold me off until she got home. I don't know if I believe that because Mommy would never want me to go hungry. She always feeds me right away when I tell her I am hungry, she never makes me wait at all. Mommy finally came home and saved me, but really I had calmed down and collected myself before got there. Uncle Steven was holding me when Mommy got home because I wore Aunt Sissy out. I don't know why she was being so touchy after all I am the one that was starving. Mommy made my day when she brought my first love home, my milk. Happy Valentine's Day to me.
Well I have a new cousin, his name is Landon. He is so cute and so little. Mommy says that one day he will be as big as me, but probably not any day soon because everyone always talks about how big I am. I can't help it that I like to eat through the night still. I mean when you know what you like if you just have to wake up to get more. He was born Feb. 4th. Daddy told me that he weighed 6lbs 13oz and that he was 19 1/2 inches long. Daddy said that the last time I was that size I was in Mommy's tummy.
My other cousin Tyler had a big birthday too. He turned 16! Mommy says that he gets to drive the car all by himelf in a month. That will be so cool. I wonder if he will take Riley and I somewhere with him. We could go cruising the streets with him. We could all put on our sunglasses and look really cool. Maybe Landon can go too. I will have to talk to Tyler about this.

Daddy had a birthday too. He turned 31. Mommy says that Daddy will always be older than her just like Riley will always be older than me. Mommy told me that when you are young that can be bad, but when you are older that is a good thing. Riley, Mommy, and I got Daddy a new car stero because his has not been playing our Handy Manny CD and we have to be able to listen to Handy Manny.
I hope everyone had a great birthday. Riley says that it is so much fun to have a birthday. I can't wait until I have mine.
My other cousin Tyler had a big birthday too. He turned 16! Mommy says that he gets to drive the car all by himelf in a month. That will be so cool. I wonder if he will take Riley and I somewhere with him. We could go cruising the streets with him. We could all put on our sunglasses and look really cool. Maybe Landon can go too. I will have to talk to Tyler about this.
Daddy had a birthday too. He turned 31. Mommy says that Daddy will always be older than her just like Riley will always be older than me. Mommy told me that when you are young that can be bad, but when you are older that is a good thing. Riley, Mommy, and I got Daddy a new car stero because his has not been playing our Handy Manny CD and we have to be able to listen to Handy Manny.
I hope everyone had a great birthday. Riley says that it is so much fun to have a birthday. I can't wait until I have mine.
Ear Infections
So I had an ear infection that would just not go away. When Mommy and Daddy took me to the doctor for my four month check up the doctor found that I had an infection in at least one ear. She said that she could not really see in the other ear because I was too waxy. The doctor gave me some medicine and then said she would see me again in two weeks. Well two weeks later I went to the doctor and for sure had a double ear infection. So she gave me another kind of medicine. Riley also had an ear infection and pink eye in both eyes at this visit to the doctor. I got to take medicine in my mouth and Riley had to take drops in her ears and she was jealous. I think she really hated getting those drops in her eyes too. After that visit we went back two weeks later and I still had an infection in both ears, but don't think that this has held back my eating at all. I weighed in at 18lbs 3oz at this check up and I was was five months old. My ears still had an infection so Dr. Howell told Mommy and Daddy that we had a couple of options either I could get a couple rounds of shots and then see how it went to see if I got another infection or we could get the shots and then I could get tubes. Riley has tubes so I know that it would be okay to get them, but Mommy and Daddy want to see if I can go without getting another infection because they don't want me to have to have surgery. So I guess unless I tell them other wise we will see how I do at my six month appointment. Cross your fingers for me.
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