It was our 100th Day of school and you are supposed to dress like you are 100 years old. Gram brought me over some clothes to wear. They were GG's clothes though. Gram isn't 100 years old. I wanted to wear the clothes but then Mommy put powder in my hair and I didn't like it. I thought it was stupid. Mommy and Daddy tried to talk me into but I don't get talked into anything. They wouldn't take it out so I got mad...
I wasn't going to have the powder in my hair so I rubbed it out!
After I got to school I finally settled down and had fun on 100th Day. There were even other kids with powder in their hair. I guess they didn't think it was stupid. It was a fun day because we walked around in a parade around school.
Mrs. Balser took a picture of me and sent it to Mommy.