Luciana Renee

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cubs Paper

I got into the Cubs winning the world series this year.  I wrote this informative paper at school about the Cubs and Daddy loved it.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

1st Grade Halloween Party

A kid in my class named Owen had a Halloween party at his house for the kids in our class.  It was only for 1st graders.  Riley wanted to go but she couldn't and she was mad.  But Daddy took her and Julian to a trick or treat at Our Lady so I don't feel bad for her.

I wore my diner girl costume.  And I hung with a mummy cheerleader and a some mummy cats and stuff.  There was lots of toilet paper mummies.  And I bobbed for apples.  It was fun.  I don't really like to eat apples but I like to bob for apples.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


I played on a soccer team for the first time.  I really like soccer now.  It is fun.  And I scored two goals.  And I really like to play goalie too.  Daddy wasn't the main coach but he helped coach like an assistant.  It was a boy & girl team.  I made a couple of new friends too.

Me and Julian are soccer players.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Happy Birthday to Riley and Me

I have been 7 for a week but today we had our family birthday party. It was a rainy day but the party was inside our house.  This is the first time we had our birthday at this house.  All of our family came over and we had a cookie cake with 9 candles for Riley and 7 candles for me.  That's a lot of candles! 

We got lots of good presents.  Legos, CD players, books, earrings and Shopkins! 

Rowan really likes Shopkins!

Thank you to everyone with birthday presents and happy birthday wishes.  

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Surprise! Holiday World


The day after your birthday is usually boring but not today...because we went to Holiday World!  We didn't know we were going until this morning when Mommy and Daddy told us.  Aunt Sissy, Uncle Steven and Rowan went with us too! 

I am 48 inches tall so I could ride almost all of the rides.  I rode the Raven with Daddy.  My eyes were closed and I squeezed his arm for part of it but I did say it was fun afterwards.  Riley is too scared to ride roller coasters.  I almost went on the Voyage but it was too big and I changed my mind.  We didn't get to ride the Legend but I will do that one next time.  It is bigger than the Raven. 

I did the really high swings ride with Mommy.  You go really high up.  Can you find me?  I'm wearing a pink shirt.  

I drove a car too but Aunt Sissy said that I am a bad driver. 

And we had so much fun at the water park.  I did the Jungle Racer like 5 times and we did the black slides like 10 times.  The lines were too long for the other ones but it was still a lot of fun.  I could go to Holiday World everyday.   

Saturday, September 3, 2016


I was very excited today and woke up early but not at midnight.  I did want to know when it was my ACTUAL 3:25.  And I got a scooter for my birthday!  A Razor scooter just like Riley's. 

I was telling everybody it was my birthday today.  Mommy and Daddy got a new mattress and I told the delivery guy it was my birthday.  When we went to B Dubs for dinner, I told them it was my birthday.  And they brought me ice cream and sang Happy Birthday!

I wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese but we didn't have time.  Daddy promised to take me. I won't let him forget it. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Can you believe this girl is almost 7?


We can't believe it!  And Mommy wants to cry...too big.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I Like School

Luci doodled this at breakfast this morning. She is doing really well in 1st grade and apparently likes it.

Monday, August 22, 2016

All I Want For My Birthday

Are my 2 front teeth?  I guess because I lost my other front tooth today!  It was really wiggly and it came out after cheerleading practice.  Now I can almost put a spoon in my mouth without opening my mouth.  And I got another gold dollar coin from the tooth fairy.   Mommy was glad I still had 1 front tooth in my school pictures last week.

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Tooth Is Gone!

My top tooth finally came out tonight when I was eating ice cream.  It was bleeding in the car when we drove to the ice cream shop so I knew it was close.  Then I was trying the different flavors of ice cream and it just came out.

Then Mommy looked on her phone and saw the picture of me losing my first tooth on vacation last year (one year to the day).  I always lose teeth on vacation!

Saturday, July 9, 2016


I did my first swimming champs.  There are so many kids there swimming.  We had to wake up early in the morning to go there.  At champs they don't have ribbons but they have medals.  I did 3 races.  My backstroke and my freestyle and then I did freestyle relay. 

My relay team didn't get anything because only 12th places get medals.  I was 2nd in my backstroke heat and I got a 12th place black medal for it.  When I was doing that race I stopped to look around and see where the other swimmers were. Mommy tells me not to do that but I like to look and see if I can win. Then I got a 7th place purple ribbon for freestyle.  I like that one better because purple is a better color than black and 7th place is better than 12th place. 

Then I liked when our team won and the coaches got pushed in the pool.  That was funny but I already changed clothes so I couldn't do it.  I just watched.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

New Neighborhood Friend

I used to play with Cammie next door at my old house but we have a new friend at our new house.  Elise lives 2 houses away and we play with her a lot.  She is 7 so she is kind like my friend and Riley's friend both.  I like having a friend live so close. We play together a lot.  We go to the pool with her sometimes.  And she has a trampoline in her yard that is so much fun to jump on. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

My Favorite Sports

I play a lot of different sports now.  Which one is my favorite?   Hmmm.....  My favorite sport is basketball!  I like dribbling the ball - that is my favorite part.  I can dribble with my left hand and my right hand.  I played basketball at Our Lady.  Then I went to the Providence basketball camp.  It was good because I got an award (look at the picture!).  My friend Eva was at the basketball camp.  And I made a new friend...I think her name was Ellie.

Daddy says he is going to put a basketball hoop in our driveway.  I hope we get a basketball hoop.

My next favorite sport is soccer.  I like to kick the ball in the goal and passing it. When you play defense you stay by the goal the other team is shooting and try to make sure they don't get it it. You can pass it or kick it far and run.

I played at Our Lady and I scored a goal in my last game!  Then I did a soccer camp too. It was soooo hot those days.  But it was fun and we played games trying to steal the ball from each other person.

My new sport is swimming.  Riley does swimming but this is my first time. I like swimming but you have to wait in between your races for a long time.  I play on my kindle or eat snacks while I'm waiting.  I got some rainbow ribbons so far and I got green and a red ribbons too.  I am practicing my breathing so I don't stop swimming to breathe.  I like backstroke and I finally got to do it last race. I got 2nd place in my heat race for backstroke.

Friday, May 27, 2016

All Done With Kindergarten

I am all done with kindergarten!  When I go back to school I will be in 1st grade.  We did a graduation celebration with cookies and lemonade.  And our parents came and watched us.  We sang songs too.

I had 2 teachers this year because Mrs. Balser had a baby, Scarlett.  When she had the baby then Miss Orbison was our teacher.  She was nice too.  Mrs. Balser came back for our kindergarten graduation celebration.

Landon was not in my class.  He was in the Mrs. Bush class and they had their own celebration graduation in the gym.  Ours was in the cafeteria. But Mommy wanted a picture of both of us afterwards.  Landon is always in my grade!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Zoo Field Trip


Today was our field trip to the zoo!!!

We walked around the zoo with my friend Macy.  I like Macy and we like to be silly and funny.  And we smelled some stinky animals!  Ahhhhh!!!

A crazy thing happened when we were by the bears.  We were playing in the truck and the bear sat in the back of the truck like a person.  I was glad there was a piece of glass. It was so crazy!