Hello. I am two and half years old today. I don't know how to put up 2 and a half fingers yet. It is hard enough to put up just 2 fingers to show people how old I am now. I guess I have to learn how to do half fingers now.
What am I like at 2 1/2?
Well, it looks like I am left handed. I like use my left hand for using my fork and for coloring. I love to color these days. Riley doesn't like me to color on her pages because she thinks I mess them up. I think I'm good at coloring. Mommy and Daddy always tell me all my colored pages are really good. Purple is my favorite color of crayons and for everything.
I have always been a big fan of Minnie Mouse but I like Dora just about as much these days. I have some Dora socks and Dora dolls. I like watching Dora on TV too. I wasn't into TV as much as Riley when I was younger. But now I watch it very closely and answer all of the questions. I yell when I see Swiper and I know that you need to ask The Map to see where to go.
I am obsessed with washing my hands. If Mommy and Daddy don't watch me closely I will wash my hands for 10 minutes straight. Playing with the squirty soap and water is fun.

I'm also still obsessed with Mommy's iPod. She still hasn't bought me my own yet. And you can also see from my shirt in this picture that I just washed my hands again!
These days I have more thoughts about my clothes. Sometimes I have to wear my Minnie jammy shirt or my green Dora socks even if Mommy doesn't think it looks good with my outfit. I did make Daddy let me wear my Hello Kitty rain boots when it wasn't even raining the other day.

My hair is finally getting a little longer. I still have not had a haircut yet but now I can wear pony tails and piggie tails. Daddy puts my hair in piggie tails when I go to Alice's house. But I usually pull them out and have crazy hair when Mommy picks me up.
I know it is hard to believe that I'm halfway to another birthday. My favorite book right now is "Where's is Baby's Birthday Cake?" I like looking for the cake and know I can sing "Happy Birthday" to the baby too. Now it is only half a year until my birthday!