Christmas presents! Christmas presents! Christmas presents! There was a Tinkerbell scooter under the tree for me. I'm already fast on my scooter.
And I got a Tiana crown to wear with my princess dress up stuff. What else did I get? I got an Umizoomi movie. I love Umizoomi. It is my favorite show. And I got a Leap Pad game.
I got some clothes too. Some dresses, some Hello Kitty clothes. And I got some fancy gloves. I needed some gloves because I only had mittens and I don't like mittens. I wanted gloves with fingers.
I got some lego at Gram's house. Mommy already helped me build a castle with the legos. I like it because there is a bed for the queen. It can build up pretty big.
And I got La La Loopsy dolls and...
some more clothes.
Then after we opened all of the presents they finally let us play on the piano. Gram was showing me how to play Jingle Bells.
What a fun day. Merry Christmas. Love, Luciana.