Time is flying by and I'm already 21 months old. Can you believe it? Not too much longer until my birthday. I figured this was a good time to record some things that I'm doing these days.
I am starting to put together some two-word phrases. I repeat a lot of stuff that I hear. Things like "hi baby" and "more milk".
I can go downstairs holding onto rails all by myself. Mommy and Daddy like to stand by me but I tell them "no" when they reach for my hand.
I love to go down the pool slide all by myself too. It is a big slide for a little girl and you go really fast. I'll have to put up a video of it next time.
I like to read books before I go to bed. I like to have a book in bed with me to look at while I'm falling asleep. If Mommy or Daddy forget I'll point to the shelf and say "book".
I'm still a really picky eater and it is driving Mommy and Daddy crazy. I like to eat fruits and breakfast stuff. My favorite foods are bananas, blueberries and granola bars. If you put something on my tray that I don't want to eat, I'll get mad. Either I'll scream and make faces until you get it off my tray. I don't mess around. When we are out about the only things that I will eat are chips and chicken nuggets. These people think that I need to eat more stuff but I don't see why. I know what I like.
I will actually leave a bow in my hair alone. I used to always rip it out. But now Mommy does the Pebbles ponytail and I leave it in there. She is glad that I wear one sometimes because I still don't have a lot of hair.
I've started to let Mommy and Daddy know when I go poo-poo in my diaper. Maybe I'll be on the little potty soon?
I'm still not a TV or movie watcher like Riley. I'll watch for a few minutes but then I go do other things. I'm too busy to sit around on the couch and watch TV.
I like to play on the swing set. I can climb up the ladder and I have graduated out of the baby swing. I can hold myself on the kids swing now.
I'm going through this phase where I won't sit down in the bathtub. I'm not sure why I like to stand. Maybe I'm ready to take a shower?

As you can see I'm getting to be more of a big girl all of the time. Keep checking my blog to see what I'm into next.