Luciana Renee

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I had a lot of fun dressing up for Halloween this year. I thought that I was going to have to wear Riley's Hand-me down costumes, but I didn't. Riley told me that I couldn't even if I wanted to because she borrowed her one year costume from Ellie.

I dressed up as a Ladybug. I was so cute too! Riley was Cinderella and she was so pretty. Mommy dressed up as Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. Daddy just dressed up as himself.

Everyone came over and got pictures at our house. Tyler and Landon dressed up too. Tyler was a Bengal's football player and Landon was a little Bengal. They were both so cute!

After pictures we got in the wagon and rode around the neighborhood. Riley kept getting out and going up to people's house. She had a bag that kept getting bigger and bigger. When that one was full of stuff she took mine and started filling it. I never got out and got anything. I don't know what she was doing, but I kept hearing her say Trick or Treat to people and they would give her stuff. I think that next year I am going to have to further investigate this procedure. Speaking of next year I wonder what we will dress up as!?!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Walking Video

Check out this video of me going everywhere. I am pretty good at this walking stuff for only doing it for a few days!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Picking

We went to the Pumpkin Barn to pick pumpkins today. It was really neat. There were a lot of animal there. I liked looking at the ponies. Riley loved the pig. She even said that she wanted to be one. They had the World's Largest Hog there. He is 1,277 pounds I think. Riley said that she wanted to be a pig because he was three years old like she is. I think she is crazy.

Daddy got the biggest pumpkin. I think it is because he is the Daddy. Mommy and Riley got pumpkins that were about the same size. I got a little pumpkin because I am the littlest. Mommy helped me pick it out. I walked her over to the pumpkins to pick one and then I walked her to the wagon so we could take it home with us.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I am a Walker

I started walking today all by myself and I am walking all over the place. Alice went to Vegas this week and Grandma came down to keep us. Mommy thinks that is why I started walking, because Grandma helped me practice and I was free all day and not contained in a pack and play or a exersaucer. I can walk all the way from the kitchen to the living room and back. It is great. I am better without my shoes. The sky is the limit. You better watch out Riley now I can chase you down.

Mommy is so excited that I will be walking for trick or treating. She says that it is about time I started this walking thing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

At the Petting Zoo

We went to Huber's for Daddy's work picnic. It was so much fun. I didn't really like the food, but Daddy said that it was really good. Daddy tried to feed me green beans and chicken, but all I really wanted to eat was yogurt melts. They are so good and I had not had them in a while so I ate them up. After we were finished eating we walked over to the petting zoo. The goats kind of scared me so Daddy walked me away from them. I am not walking by myself yet so I had to be pushed around in my stroller. I watched Riley run around with Olivia. Daddy was great he hung out with me the whole time. After the petting zoo we went to pick pumpkins, or so I thought. We really just went out and looked at all the pumpkins in the field. I hope that we get a pumpkin some time because those things look like a lot of fun.

All in all it was a great day with my family. We need to have more days like that, but really I need to learn to walk so that I can have more fun.