So we have been doing a lot. Mommy and Daddy ran in a race last weekend and Great Aunt Diane came to watch us. We had a lot of fun with her. She sang with us and played games. I think she really likes kids. We went out to dinner with Poppy last weekend. We went to an Asian place with really big fish. Then Poppy came over for dinner on Sunday. I napped while he was here most of the time.
This weekend Mommy says we are going to two parties. We are also going to pick up Gram, Poppy, and GG from the airport. They have been in Florida. I have never been to Florida, but I think I am going to go this summer. On Saturday we are going to go to a Derby Party. Daddy says that we will watch horses run. I like horses they are so pretty. Riley shows them to me while we are driving home. Then on Sunday we are going to Landon's Birthday Party. It is not Baby Landon. It is Riley's friend Landon Walker. He is turning two. There is also another party this weekend that we aren't going to be able to make it to and that is Rachel's shower for Baby Maddon. Mommy says that he is not here yet. She says we have to wait until June to meet him. I can't wait meet him so that I can squeeze his cheeks. I tried to get a hold of Baby Landon today but Mommy would not let me.
I got over my last ear infection, but I have a cold again so Mommy thinks that I will get another one soon. I am probably going to get tubes I don't know why they keep delaying the inevitable.
I am getting big. I am probably close to 21 pounds. I think that all the jumping around is not helping my figure yet. I better start crawling soon so that I can work on my hips. Then when I start walking that will work on my leg rolls. Until all that happens I will just enjoy my curves because this will be the only time in my life that they are cute.
I turn eight months on Monday and I will need to put a new picture up on the side. Keep looking for that after Monday.